Spatial Analysis
In July 2023, I embarked on an eighteen-day road trip across the U.S., starting in Maryland, driving all the way to southern California, and then heading north up the coast to Oregon before driving back to Maryland. I fit numerous cities and national/state parks into the trip, making for a busy schedule with long travel days.
Although I planned the route entirely using Google Maps, the blog post by Andrew Heiss about mapping his own cross-country road trip with R and OpenStreetMap inspired me to build my own version with Python. Many of the steps in this Notebook closely follow along with his, though I opt for presenting the stops and routes using dyanmic maps instead of his attractive static maps and must format the data differently to account for discrepencies between the R and Python Open Source Routing Machine (OSRM) packages.
Scroll down to view and interact with the Jupyter Notebook!