Mass-producing stylized charts and tables with pandas, matplotlib, and HTML + CSS

Code Development

Every year, the Philadelphia Parks & Recreation (PPR) GIS team is asked to provide a report on how many Philadelphia Police Department (PPD) reported crime incidents occurred on each PPR property and within each PPR programming district. The analysis that informs this report has traditionally been done using ArcMap or ArcGIS Pro, while the hundreds of individual tables and graphs representing the analysis have been manually created in Excel and PowerPoint, resulting in a lengthy and tedious process that I sought to shorten and automate using Python (arcpy, pandas, matplotlib), HTML and CSS, and an ArcGIS Notebook as the IDE. I wrote this code in the winter/spring of 2022; it was only my second ArcGIS Notebook that I wrote by myself, and it was written within the first few months of learning Python.

Scroll down to view the Notebook!